
Submar ACBMs are designed for maximum erosion control. They are manually installed over a filter fabric that promotes proper drainage and allows for natural vegetative growth, adding lasting benefits to the property.
The interlocking blocks enable easy, economical installation in areas prohibitive of heavy equipment due to site constraints and remote access. By design, these mats can be installed in stages as a project progresses or as a budget allows.
UltraFlex™ Applications
- Bridge Abutments
- Boat Access and Ramps
- Canals, Streams and Bayous
- Channel Lining
- Dams and Spillways
- Drainage Ditches
- Embankments
- Levees and Dikes
- Low-Water Stream Crossings
- Outfall Protection
- Retention Basins
- Riverbank Protection
- Roads (Temp/Haul)
- Scour Protection
- Shorelines
- Slope Protection
- Weirs and Overflow Channels
UltraLok™ Applications
- Bridge Abutment Protection
- Channel Lining
- Ditches
- Lake,Pond and ShorelineProtection
- Outfall Protection
- Residential Spillways
Each UltraLok block unit gains strength and durability by interlocking with its neighboring units.Overtime, the UltraLok installation becomes part of the landscape providing the ultimate in erosion control.